We love what we do and we are not admitting imperfections. After laser cutting tubesand sheet-metal parts, every single semifinished piece under goes finishing treatment.
A step carried out by means of a satin finish machine with maximum width of 1350 mm and maximum height of 150 mm, equipped with 3 abrasive rollers and abrasive brushes to smooth out surfaces, removing any mark left by laser cutting.
The finishing of assembled frames and sheets is carried out with artisanal care by our operators.
It is by taking advantage of both electrical and pneumatic tools, equipped with flap and synthetic-fiber wheels, that we can reach the best finishing results possible and add value to each item we manufacture.
Removal of cuttingburrs, laser cutting edges and any raised areas;
Removal of oxides and slags generated by cutting;
Rounding of corners and edges.